Customer stories ^

GRIFF Aviation takes flight with RamBase Cloud ERP
With increasing demands for efficiency, traceability, documentation and quality throughout the value chain, GRIFF Aviation saw the need for a new ERP system to support

Unified IT Transformation at Dobloug Gruppen
From fragmented infrastructure to efficient administration and control: When Dobloug Gruppen was faced with complex IT challenges after several acquisitions, they entered into a new

Simplifying the cloud journey for Powersim
To elevate their business further, Powersim Software was looking for a solution that allowed faster deployment, more flexibility, and the highest data security standard.

Comprehensive Delivery for Norsk Regnesentral
Arribatec has supported NR with the delivery of Unit4 ERP, payroll and HR, travel and expenses, integration components, development, operations, and support—all provided as a

Supporting the move to Unit4 Cloud: Arribatec supports The Growth Company’s migration
When the Growth Company needed to upgrade Unit4 ERP system to the Unit4 cloud, they turned to their longtime partner Arribatec to support their migration.

The Veterinary Institute Uses InstiPro for Streamlined Finance, Project Tracking, and Reporting
Arribatec provides the Norwegian Veterinary Institute with a user-friendly tool that simplifies financial tasks, project tracking, and project reporting.

How ERP-Apps and Arribatec support the University of Strathclyde
The University finance team were struggling to find something that did everything they needed. When ERP-Apps demoed a new customer-portal solution,
Strathclyde embraced the

Nofima gives overall responsibility for implementation, integrations, development, and operations to Arribatec.
Delivery Consists of InstiPro, Unit4 ERP, Payroll and HR, Travel/Expenses, Integration Components, Development, Operations, and Support—all Provided as a Comprehensive Solution

Backe collecting value through data
The forward-looking construction company, Backe, has understood the importance of collecting, structuring and making data available internally and externally. Our skilled development consultants continuously assist

Smart Innovation Norway chose InstiPro from Arribatec
“We chose InstiPro based on the fact that the system solves very specific challenges we have linked to the follow-up of projects that are typical

ISIFLO chooses Arribatec for hybrid cloud & outsourcing
The agreement includes support and maintenance of the IT systems for ISIFLO’s 70 employees in Raufoss Industripark. Arribatec will also offer a hybrid cloud solution

The tool that allows Mørenett to follow-up of targets, strategies and KPIs
“Through Hypergene, we have gained a unique tool where we get a good structure for reporting and following up on targets, strategies and KPIs.”