Hypergene ^
Develop the business with state-of-the-art planning, reporting and analyses
Streamline your financial planning processes, monitor your business through advanced analysis and reporting capabilities and work with goal management to break down overall plans for goals, key figures and activities throughout the organisation.

Cloud-based competitive advantage ^
Hypergene is a well-kept secret in the field of business management, specially in the Nordics. Combining performance management, budget & forecasting, business insight and production management in one complete solution makes it a unique tool for companies.
Flexible reporting and analysis ^
Get quick access to role-based information and in-depth analysis. Hypergene provides the company with flexible and powerful tools to follow up operations focusing on results and progress. The tools can be compiled and visualised in beautiful portals for senior managers or tailored for ad hoc analyses based on needs and prior knowledge.

Budgeting and forecasting ^
With Hypergene, you connect financial planning to operational and business-related planning processes. In this way, budgeting and forecasting work is made more efficient while the precision and reliability of the information are improved.
The workflow structures and monitors current and pending tasks in the process. Tasks can be easily delegated within the organisation, and developments are followed when a budget is created at different levels or units.
Integration with other business systems, such as Unit4 ERP, gives you access to important input and reference data. All data is stored, consolidated and monitored in real-time, which means that the entire organisation can work from a standard, quality-assured picture of reality.
Latest news about Hypergene ^

Empowering HK-dir with enhanced tools for organisational excellence
Arribatec’s expertise was key in HK-dir’s successful implementation of QualiWare and Hypergene from the RFP process in November 2022.

Hypergene Webinar: Enabling better performance
Learn more about how Hypergene delivers state of the art planning and analysis and can benefit your business processing

Strategic Management with Hypergene ^
In Hypergene, strategic goals are linked to operational plans and concrete results. Business plans, objectives and KPIs are all defined in an intuitive interface.
Commitments and activities are communicated and followed up to encourage transparency, compliance and responsibility throughout the organisation. There are also many opportunities to improve activities such as risk, compliance and internal control.
Streamlined planning, reporting & analysis ^
With Hypergene in the cloud, we change how you can plan, manage and follow up your business with a focus on increased competitive advantages.
Streamline budgeting and forecasting processes, use advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, and break down plans into goals, KPIs, and activities across the organisation.

Get a free demo of the platform^
Let’s have a look at what Hypergene can do for your business. Use the form below to book a demo.