Join our free webinar Tuesday 11th June! The webinar will cover Arribatec & ERP Apps range of Portals for Unit4 ERP:

ERP Apps Introductory Webinar

Join our free webinar at 11am-12pm, Tuesday 11th June! The webinar will cover Arribatec & ERP Apps range of Portals for Unit4 ERP.

These portals are produced by ERP Apps for Arribatec, simple, elegant and fully integrated systems for expanding the reach and function of your Unit4 ERP.

  • ERP Portals – real time interaction with your standard Unit4 ERP setup (MS6+)
  • AI OCR – Full integrated AI Neural Network based OCR and works with your standard Unit4 ERP setup
  • Perfectly linked with your Unit4 ERP system


35 – 40 minutes presentation about our portals

15 – 20 minutes Q/A

The webinar will be held in English.

Tuesday 11th June, 11:00am – 12:00pm GMT

More about ERP-apps:

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