HI Entreprenører choosing Arribatec for cloud services
Arribatec enters into an agreement with HI Entreprenører to deliver private cloud for the production of 9 central applications.

Cloud deliveries for HI Entreprenører

Arribatec enters into an agreement with Hæhre Isachsen Group – Infra Group regarding Cloud deliveries.

Arribatec, a leading supplier of cloud solutions, has signed a contract with HI Entreprenører – for the supply of private cloud for the production of 9 central applications. The agreement also includes the rental of resources for user support.

HI Entreprenører, one of Norway’s most prominent players in the construction sector, has chosen Arribatec as its supplier because of our ability to increase their competitiveness through the smart use of private and public cloud.

They had a legacy solution and needed a partner to deliver future-oriented IT and support. HI Entreprenører were looking for a modern cloud-based solution and a platform that facilitates innovation, security, and flexibility.

The production of the services is planned for the latter part of February 2023.

Arribatec looks forward to working with HI Entreprenører to ensure the company gets the best cloud solution to achieve its efficient production and operations goals.

Construction company getting new cloud solution

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