Automated document data extraction integrated with your standard Unit4 ERP​


Automated document data extraction integrated with your standard Unit4 ERP

Automated document data extraction integrated with your standard Unit4 ERP​

As organisations have become increasingly aware of the importance of the efficiency of their Accounts Payable (AP) process to the success of their business as a whole, many have come to realise just how costly manual invoice processing can be.


Invoice processing costs add-up

If you do not know your organisation’s average cost to manually process an invoice. It is hard to find a single agreed-upon estimation to use from the various studies available online, with figures varying drastically. A 2017 report by Ardent Partners calculates the average cost to be £9.85 an invoice, while others, such as Rossum, have estimated the average to be more like £1.66 an invoice.

Our Solution

  • No templates
  • High out of the box accuracy
  • No ”files” everything handled via APIs
  • Line level detail, less manual input and improved matching
  • Quick install and implementation
  • Integrated within the Unit4 ERP application
  • Customisation available on request (additional cost)
  • Can potentially be used for any documents, not just invoices
AI OCR process

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